Health & Well-Being

It’s True, Exercise Makes You Smarter Too

We used to think that if you wanted to grow your brain you learned a musical instrument or another language. But, as renowned neuropsychiatrist John Ratey explains, the science now shows conclusively that being fit is as good for your mind as your muscles. What exactly do we know about exercise and our brains? Every […]

Oct 10, 2022by

When It Comes to Success, You Can’t Beat Failure

Sarah Robb O’Hagan is something of an expert in smashing goals. As an endurance athlete who’s successfully climbed the corporate ladder she knows first-hand how physical fitness can build mental and emotional fortitude. And surprisingly, she believes success doesn’t always fuel success – it’s often quite the opposite. We caught up with Sarah to discuss […]

Sep 5, 2022by

How to Forge a Passion for Exercise (In 3 Simple Steps)

When a tough lesson taught Bevan James Eyles that motivating beginner exercisers isn’t clear cut, he became obsessed with helping inactive people to fall in love with fitness. The fitness pro has uncovered powerful secrets to help people get hooked – and below he shares his top three tips…  Have you ever had a moment […]

Aug 29, 2022by

Why Your Brain Enjoys Exercise as Much as Your Body

We now know that we continue to create new brain cells throughout our lives. And the key to this vital function is staying physically, mentally and socially active. Neurological expert Maurice Curtis explains the latest thinking about staying mentally strong throughout our lives.   There was a famous study in Italy of people living in […]

Aug 1, 2022by

“I can handle anything… Because of what I’ve already survived in the past”

Every day Vili Fifita motivates thousands of Instructors and home exercisers as a presenter on some of Les Mills’ most popular workout videos. So what motivates him? In this interview, he shares his insightful experiences as a teen parent and how it has inspired him to give 110% every single day. Sarah Shortt (SS): Hi […]

Jul 8, 2022by

What Are Your Compulsions Telling You?

Can’t stop checking your phone? Tidying the house? Collecting things you don’t need? Well, give yourself a break – compulsions could just be part of a normal reaction to a stressful world.  It happens to many of us – we start playing Candy Crush for fun and it turns into a compulsion. We don’t just […]

Jun 20, 2022by

Why Pleasure is Not the Key to Happiness

If you were asked to explain the difference between pleasure and happiness, what would you say? Think hard, because the answer holds the key to your long term health and wellbeing.    Paediatric endocrinologist Robert Lustig was one of the first people to sound the alarm on the dangers of too much sugar. But, he […]

May 26, 2022by

10 Reasons to Exercise

Straight out of science, we bring you ten of the best research-backed, age-defying reasons to get moving.  Youthful looks: Exercise protects against wrinkles, crows feet and other signs of skin ageing.  Exercise triggers the release of interleukin 15 (IL-15) which prevents the loss of the thin layer of growing cells that provides the firmness and […]

Feb 28, 2022by