Nutrition & Recipes

Are Non-Sugar Sweeteners Really a Healthier Option?

Okay, you’re sweet enough already, we get that. But if you really want to cut down on the sugar in your diet, what should you know about the alternatives?  Going “sugar free” has become standard when we’re trying to clean up our diets, and there has been growing global awareness of the dangers of sugar […]

Oct 24, 2022by

The Eggcellent Truth About Eggs

Spare a thought for the humble egg – not the chocolate ones, the ones you can eat day-in-day-out and which are actually good for you. Just a reminder – mysteriously, rabbits of any kind, including the Easter bunny, do not lay eggs. Least of all chocolate eggs.  A unique feature inherited by all birds from […]

Sep 19, 2022by

Solving the Secrets of Appetite

Fresh research from the UK may have identified the mechanism by which our brains control appetite. We could be on the threshold of a new era in dietary science. Fighting obesity, cutting food waste, and even making our food production systems more efficient … could all this be achieved by unlocking the chemical signals that […]

Aug 8, 2022by

How Gut Bacteria Could Be Just What The Doctor Ordered

Unique research into the obesity-reducing potential of transferring healthy gut bacteria from one person to another could also be the beginning of an exciting new era in combatting many other diseases and conditions. The first trial in the world to study the role of gut bacteria in causing and reducing obesity in teenagers is taking […]

Jul 11, 2022by

Feed Your Head: Expert Tips for a Brain-Friendly Diet

Your brain is hungry – literally – for the best nutrition you can give it. Nutrition researcher and author Delia McCabe explains why, and how to cater for what’s between your ears.    Author Delia McCabe (originally South African, now living on Australia’s Gold Coast) has combined her knowledge of the human brain with 20 […]

Jun 27, 2022by

Confronting the Dirty Secrets of Clean Eating

The world is waking up to the dangers of unqualified “wellness” bloggers and other promotors of unscientific dietary advice. Fueled by social media celebrity, the message is often about cutting things out of our diet and making people feel guilty if they don’t. We talk to dietitian Sophie Medlin about the vogue for “clean eating” […]

Jun 2, 2022by

Keeping Life Sweet Without the Sugar

Good news, it is possible to satisfy your sweet tooth while cutting the risks associated with too much sugar.   We’re rapidly becoming more aware of the dangers of what is now known as being overfat, and the main culprit is – you guessed it – sugar.  When did something nature deliberately put into apples, pears and […]

Feb 28, 2022by